A Complete Guide to Domiciliary Care

A Complete Guide to Domiciliary Care

Sometimes people are no longer able to manage all their own care themselves. Often, this is seen in elderly people, but it can also be an issue for those with disabilities and challenges. When it becomes too difficult to manage care, it’s necessary to bring in some extra help. While family members may be willing to help out, you may also look into domiciliary care.

What is Domiciliary Care?

Domiciliary care is when a trained person comes to your home to help manage tasks that are not easily done alone. For example, if someone is having difficulty preparing food to eat, a carer can come to their home and provide meals for them each day. Likewise, a carer could help with bathing, using the toilet, and even driving someone to and from their doctor’s appointments.

It’s a way to ensure that you can stay in your home without it becoming dangerous. For anyone who wishes to avoid a care home, this is a good alternative.

The Benefits of Domiciliary Care

Why would you choose in-home care over a care home? The main reason is to ensure that the client is happy where they are and is also safe. Other benefits of domiciliary care include:


Just because there are some things that the elderly person may struggle with doesn’t mean they’re ready to give up their independence. With a carer coming to help from time to time with the things that are more difficult, it can help them feel quite independent. They’ll still be able to do plenty on their own, which allows for more dignity and independence for longer.

Better Nutrition

Many elderly people become malnourished as they age because they’re unable to easily cook nutritious meals. Instead, they may rely on items that are easy to open and eat, such as biscuits and sweets. Having someone come in and prepare meals can help prevent them from becoming one of the more than 1 million malnourished elderly people in the UK.

Better Self-Esteem

It’s frustrating when you can’t easily dress yourself and things like makeup or doing your hair are a basic part of looking after yourself. When an elderly person cannot do these things for themselves, they can begin to feel down. Fortunately, with a little help from home care services, people can feel much better. They’ll have help with bathing, dressing, and doing their hair. These things can help people stay healthier, but they also make it possible for elderly people to feel good about themselves.


Since there will be a carer visiting the elderly person, there are regular check-ups. This means they will tend to feel more secure. If something happens, they will have someone coming by and that can help relax them.

The same sense of security is something that also provides general peace of mind for the family. They’ll know their loved one is being cared for and this can be a good way to ease some of the pressure on family members.

Keep Families Together

All too often, one member of a couple must enter a care home without the other, meaning that a couple that has been together for years, possibly decades, is suddenly separated. This can understandably be very difficult for both parties.

Domiciliary care services make it possible for couples to continue living together. With a carer handling the more challenging things, such as preparing food, helping them bathe, or assisting with mobility around the home, it’s possible for the person being cared for to stay in their home. Remaining at home can also allow children, grandchildren, siblings and friends to visit as frequently as they like, whenever suits them – this may not always be possible in a care home setting.

Reduce Loneliness

For those who live alone, it can be quite unsettling to be on their own all the time. It’s isolating, particularly if there are mobility issues that prevent them from getting out. Having domiciliary care can help ensure people on their own are able to talk to someone on a regular basis. It’s also helpful to get out with someone who can drive them to a bingo game or a church meeting. Carers can become a very big part of combatting the isolation that comes with getting older.

It can also help to have the same person coming each day to check on the elderly person. They will feel more comfortable with one familiar person than with multiple new people in a care home.

Who Needs Domiciliary Care?

While most people prefer to stay in their own homes, that’s not always possible. Those with more complex medical needs may need to stay in a medical facility. However, it is quite possible for many to remain at home, depending on their needs.

Elderly people who are simply growing weaker or who have some limitations in their mobility may benefit from care. Those dealing with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or dementia can also receive care at home services.

For many families, the realisation that it’s time to get some extra help for elderly family members comes when they notice some of the following issues:

  • Increasing forgetfulness
  • Wandering and getting lost
  • Special dietary needs that cannot be met by the person themselves
  • Inability to manage personal hygiene
  • Difficulty getting around
  • Difficulty toileting on their own
  • Needing someone to drive them to medical appointments
  • Frequently missing or forgetting to take medications

All of these signs could indicate there is a need for someone else to help out with care. In-home care is one of the best options since it can be part-time or full-time, as needed.

Not everyone who needs in-home care is elderly, however. Sometimes, people need some extra help after an accident or while recovering from a medical procedure. Those with ongoing disabilities such as cerebral palsy or other issues may also benefit from home care.

What Does a Domiciliary Carer Do?

Domiciliary care services or home care services are designed to provide more independence for the person they help. Most people don’t want to leave their homes, where they are comfortable and happy. The domiciliary care services allow for a carer to come in and ensure the person who requires care is able to live healthily.

The domiciliary carer can help with a variety of tasks, including:


Not everything is easily manageable in a house, so the carer may offer cleaning services, do laundry, and manage the usual household tasks that need doing. This can be very helpful when it is otherwise impossible to keep the home tidy and organised. It also makes the home safer, because obstacles are put away and the space is kept clean and hygienic.


Elderly people may no longer be able to cook safely for themselves, so the carer can manage the shopping, plan meals, and cook them for the person they work with. This ensures nutrition is not neglected and can help ensure the person eats well. They may come by to provide the meal at a specified time, or the food may be prepared ahead of time so it can be heated up for mealtimes.

Personal Hygiene

It may be difficult to shower and toilet when dealing with limited mobility. The domiciliary carer can help with bathing, shaving, hair care, and toileting, as well as the application of any creams that are needed. They can handle minor medical needs, such as taking care of dried skin and eczema, catheters and stomas, but for more complicated medical issues a trained healthcare person will need to be brought in.


When someone finds it difficult to remember their medications, it can be useful to have someone remind them. The carer ensures their client gets their medications on time and at the proper dose. They will also help remind the person when they will need refills from the pharmacy and can assist in getting these.


If the person has pets, they will also need care. In most cases, this can be discussed with the home care services and they will ensure that the carer is also willing to manage a pet or two. This includes taking dogs outside for a short walk, cleaning litter boxes and feeding the animals.


The carer can take their client to appointments if they’re unable to drive themselves or navigate public transport alone. They may also accompany them to prevent loneliness or fear. This is also a service that could be used for social engagements, which are important for mental health.

Whether you or a loved one is in need of care at home services, you’ll find what you need at Cadog Homecare. We provide domestic care with trained personnel to ensure everything is taken care of. Contact us today to discuss your particular needs.

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